ACIAEO is open to all willing African Caribbean International families living in Canada regardless of age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, physical ability, or political affiliation.

All qualified individuals may become members of ACIAEO by paying the required monthly contributions and by remaining active members by attending meetings and participating regularly in the organization's activities.

A member shall be considered in good standing (active member) when he/she meets all of the following conditions:
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- The member shall not owe the organization more than two (2) required payments, including but not limited to monthly regular dues and other contributions as required.

- The member shall not miss more than three (3) consecutive monthly meetings.

Notwithstanding the above, the executive board may use their discretion to rehabilitate a member who is not in good standing, upon receipt of a written request by the member, supported by adequate justification and remediation.  The President shall then inform the general assembly at the monthly meeting immediately following their decision.

Members shall participate in meetings and have equal say on matters of the association.

Members must keep abreast of the association’s activities.

Members must adhere to the resolutions of the association.

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